In the beginning there was a liqueur. Delicious and promising, but still just one herbal liqueur among many. We needed a vision and a goal.
Brand Strategy Product Design Corporate Design
In the beginning there was a liqueur. Delicious and promising, but still just one herbal liqueur among many. We needed a vision and a goal.
With 52% alcohol, Schwarz is strong – and flammable. Furthermore Schwarz means black in English. Here we had a black, strong and flammable liqueur from Germany. All that was missing was the clarity and power of a minimalist design that united all these aspects and turned it into an unmistakable brand. A brand that is black, strong, reduced, powerful … bold and German. We played with the clichés and expectations, twisted them into the opposite and came up with something new. After various bottle designs, we created a bottle, turned from aluminum, that is simple, powerful and strong. We designed a logo font, whose W became a burning shot glass and developed a ritual for drinking Schwarz. SCHWARZ was born. In several workshops we experimented and invented Schwarz mix drinks and cocktails. We then developed an extraordinary campaign to promote Schwarz – still waiting to see the light of day.