Berlin Communication Design

From strategy to implementation, I am here to help make your business shine.

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Brand Strategy
Design Consulting
Corporate Design

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Communication Design
Concept & Campaign
Graphic Design

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App & Digital Product
Product Design
UX Design

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Illustration & Storytelling
Character Design

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Brand Strategy      Design Consulting      Corporate Design

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Communication Design    Concept & Campaign     Graphic Design



App & Digital Product      Product Design      UX Design



Illustration & Storytelling      Animation      Character Design

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Child Psychology Station – Make patients feel welcome
Cornèrcard Switzerland – Reduce to the max

Hi, I am Peter Machat

I am a Berlin-based designer, illustrator and author. I studied fine art and design at the Escuela National de artes plasticas in Guatemala, the Nagoya Zokei University in Japan and the Bauhaus University in Germany. Born in Munich to a Dutch mother and a Transylvanian father, I grew up in Cologne and now live and work in Berlin.

I bring your communication to the point both in content and visual form. This conveys clarity, value, and professionalism, building trust. My knowledge of design, art and writing forms the ideal mix of strategy, creativity and storytelling. I am here to help make your business shine.

I designed for Amnesty International, The Federal German Environment Agency, The Federal German Ministry of the Interior, Free University of Berlin, Oxfam, terre des hommes, scoyo, Bosch, wonderkind, Stiftung Kinder forschen, NFP marketing & distribution, teamworx, Compact Verlag, Mercedes Benz, AMG, Ravensburger, Cornelsen, Gruner und Jahr & many more.

I believe that creativity means connecting things. The more disciplines you master, the more connections you can make. As Abraham Maslow said: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

Teaching Keynotes Speaker at The Kids Want Mobile conference, Lecture and Workshop at the Tokyo Kogei University, Teachings at the Design Akademie Berlin, Lecture at the Ministry of Economics, Climate Protection, Energy & National Planning in Mainz and many more.

Exhibitions Artdirectors Club Germany, Pictoplasma, Galeria Clotilde Barcelona, Kunsthalle Weimar, DMY Berlin, Gaswerk Weimar, Yada-Gallery Nagoya Japan, Empoli Gallery Italy, Museum fur angewandte Kunst in Köln & more.

Publications Novum Germany, Form Germany, Page Germany,,, Unicato MDR Television, IdN Hong Kong, slanted Germany, Freistil, Global Innovation Report – GDR London, Gloss Brazil, ComputerArtsProjects Britain, 36 Russia, Urban Denmark, Flair Belgium, Pictoplasma Germany, gob magazine Brazil, designmadeingermany, LIV’Holland,,,,,,,,, & more.

Good design creates clarity, sparks joy and performs effortlessly. It underlines your professionalism – professionalism creates trust.

It generates added value, is aesthetically pleasing and enriches our lives. It might not always be obvious – but I assure you, you would notice its absence.

And yes, aesthetics matter – beauty works like a charm – it makes us want to be close to it and helps us to build a connection. A more aesthetic product is perceived to be more professional, more valuable and more capable.

A study by Donald Norman (2002) states that the more aesthetically pleasing a product is, the more user-friendly it is perceived to be. Apple’s products have proven this impressively. Although competing products were more user-friendly, customers preferred the more aesthetically pleasing Apple products, built up an emotional relationship with them and forgave them minor faults.

Good design has the ability to make complicated issues clear and usable. A good graphic design can explain quantum physics to children, a well-designed interface makes online banking usable for senior citizens.

The basis for great design is to fully understand the use of your service or product. Observe how it is used and define the key features, unresolved problems and difficulties. Develop the best possible solution, test it, refine it and make sure it works intuitively and effortlessly.
The human brain focuses by filtering out irrelevant or already known information. To stand out, you have to be the red apple among the green ones. Explore your qualities and your uniqueness – find what makes you special. Be innovative, be courageous, be special.
Focus on the problem, not the solution. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be open to change, new views and learning. Communicate, test and be prepared to kill your darlings. Have perseverance. Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts to invent the light bulb.
A logo is not a brand. A logo is a symbol like a person’s signature or the flag of a country – what lies behind the symbol is the brand. It arises from all the experiences that people have had with it and from everything that people associate with it. In short: Your brand is your reputation.
Since your brand is your reputation, it is formed from the perceptions of your customers. Listen to your existing and potential customers, understand their hopes, fears and dreams. What is it that people need? Which problems need solving? Create a great service or product and surprise them with innovative solutions. Become their most trusted advisor and show them that you care. Trust is the base for every interaction. Whoever finds value in your product or service will start trusting you, recommend you and come back to you.
I’m an ideas person, and even 20 years ago I wished for a “generate” button that would spit out alternative design ideas. However, my initial enthusiasm has since faded somewhat. In the beginning, I hoped to train a capable assistant who would tirelessly help me implement my own projects. But I soon realized that the possibilities were still very limited. AI is not yet good enough – it is imprecise and fuzzy. I am an advocate of lifelong learning and am always open to new technologies, new techniques and new software. AI is a technology that will not simply disappear, i.e. it will – like the computer and the internet before it – eventually be integrated into all our lives. That’s why we need clear rules – AI must always make itself known.
I love diversity and inexhaustible richness of human cultures. I am grateful for people who care and do their best. I love wit and I love a human centered approach – if it does not improve our lives on our planet, for whom are we doing what we are doing?